
2015/12/11(金) 第12回OMIC事業推進セミナー

第12回 OMIC事業推進セミナー

【日 時】 平成27年12月11日(金) 14:00~15:30
【場 所】 岡山大学鹿田キャンパス 総合教育研究棟1階 データ解析検討室
【参加費】 無料

【主 催】 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科産学官連携センター、特定非営利活動法人メディカルテクノおかやま
  岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科産学官連携センター 教授 松浦 栄次

2.講 演
「Bioengineering aspects of tissue engineering- summary of experience」
 Swinburne University of Technology Professor Yosry Morsi 

  Bioengineering aspects are essential for the optimization of scaffolds for tissue engineering and drug delivery applications. Though the research in bioengineering and new discoveries in this area are limited in comparison to biomaterials and stem cells research, there is now a sign of great interest in the area of biomechanics, bio-manufacturing and CAD tissue engineering. In this talk, we will discuss various bioengineering strategies that should be considered in the design and optimization of the “optimum scaffold” that can totally mimics the behavior of biological tissue. In this talk the influence of bioengineering elements on the regeneration of extracellular matrix (ECM) is fully discussed together with three case studies namely blood vessels, heart valves and cardiac tissues.

◆参加者 30名